Do i need to find a host rto to complete my tae40116 certificate iv in training and assessment with hba? Do i need to find a host rto to complete my tae40116 certificate iv in training and assessment with hba

Do I need to find a host RTO to complete my TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment with HBA?

Over the past few weeks we have seen a huge increase in people asking us the above question. The answer is a definite NO.

There are elements of the course which are onerous on the RTO. For example, a highly qualified Assessor must see and assess you doing Validations, assessing for competence and doing presentations.

If you enrol with HBA learning Centres Pty Ltd we will provide you with many opportunities to do the above and the best thing? This is all included in the price; there is no additional cost!

To see a brief description of what is included within the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment CLICK HERE.