Have you used our innovative discussion forum? Discussion forum

Have you used our innovative Discussion Forum?

Everyone needs help from time to time and this is okay. That is what we are here for, we are happy to help you. The best way to get this help is by using our online Discussion Forum.

The HBA forum is a private section of our website where you can login and post your questions which are answered by our qualified trainers.

Whether you are enrolled into a face to face or self-paced course you can benefit from this opportunity. Join thousands of other HBA learners online. Have a question? Not sure if you’re on the right track? Looking for a study buddy or some networking opportunities? This is a great way to start. Other learners can also benefit from the answers that are provided to you. In fact there are so many discussions available to read – that it is most likely that your question has already been asked and answered before. You can search through the many previously asked questions.

Each person learns differently. Research shows that the quality of your learning experience can be affected by the time of day/night that you are engaging in learning as well as the flexibility offered by the course structure. Life doesn’t stop once you decide to enrol into a course – family, work hours, everyday commitments and socialising are still very much a part of the demands on your time and learning takes time, “time to talk, write, reflect, and otherwise engage in activities” (Cross, 1999, p. 10). For some people their academic performance is best in the mornings, whereas for others they are more cognitively alert in the evening. Having 24 hour access to the HBA forum provides support and flexibility to learn when you are most alert, resulting in a higher rate of learning satisfaction and academic results.

Once you enrol with HBA you receive your unique user name and password – all you need to do is go towww.hbalearningcentres.com.au/forum  to login. Post questions as you think of them – anytime of day or night. HBA trainers answer questions daily so there are no lengthy delays.

Access is available 24hours a day so what are you waiting for? Jump on and check out how other HBA learners are going with their workbooks.

Cross, K. P. (1999, June). Learning is about making connections. The cross papers number 3. Princeton, NJ: League for Innovation in the Community College & Educational Testing Service. Retrieved from ERIC (ED 432314).