How long will it take me to complete tae40116 certificate iv in training and assessment? How long will it take me to complete tae40116 certificate iv in training and assessment

How long will it take me to complete TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?

This remains our most commonly asked question and unfortunately we cannot answer it because we do not know you, your background, learning style, level of education, Industry exposure etc.

There are some facts we can share with you:

  • You get 18 months to complete the course.
  • There is no requirement for you to obtain industry placement for the purposes of completing presentations, we take care of this in our courses.
  • We have 4 different modes of delivery and the more time you spend with us, the less work you will have to complete post the face to face element of the course.
  • Our most popular mode of delivery is Blended delivery which includes 15 days of face to face facilitation. These weeks can be done in one line or broken into 5 day sections with time in between each.
  • You will not complete the course in 15 days and will still have to do some post-course work

If you would like to know more about the course feel free to call us on 1300 721 503 and one of our dedicated Customer Service people will be happy to chat.