How long will it take me to complete tae50216 diploma of training design and development? How long will it take me to complete tae50216 diploma of training and development

How long will it take me to complete TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development?

As we have released a date to facilitate a Blended delivery of this qualification we are receiving quite a few telephone calls asking the above question. The first thing to consider is there are 2 distinct pathway; the Training and Assessment pathway and the Quality Auditing pathway. Each of these pathway’s shares the same core units, however there are 3 elective which differ. These different elective units will change the amount of time required to complete the qualification. 

Click on the tabs below to see each pathway.

It should be remembered this is a Diploma (AQF level 5) qualification and as such it has a Volume of Learning in excess of 1,500 hours and you are given 18 months to complete. The qualification is highly regarded by employers in the VET environment as very few people undertake it, most relying on a Certificate IV level qualification.