The standard for bsb51615 diploma of quality auditing the standard for bsb51615 diploma of quality auditing

The Standard for BSB51615 Diploma of Quality Auditing

Within BSB51615 Diploma of Quality Auditing is a unit of competency called BSBAUD402 Participate in a Quality Audit. This unit covers off the actual process of conducting an Audit against a recognised standard and in our course you will do the first audit against ISO9001.

We provide a copy of the standard in hard copy form for those that attend the course and in soft copy for those that enrol in self-paced learning. As SAI Global is the licence holder for this standard we are required to pay a licence fee for every copy we issue and our fee is based on the standard only being used for the duration of the course. For those that undertake the face to face course you will not need the standard once you leave our classroom. You will be required to conduct a second audit against any recognised standard you wish to use and for those attending the face to face course this is conducted post course.

To find out more on the BSB51615 Diploma of Quality Auditing fill out the enrquiry form below or if you are ready to enrol, you can enrol here.